The Casino Industry in Mexico is exploding with exciting and cutting-edge casino offerings to the American public. The Mexican government is also supporting this explosion with a plan to expand the availability of gambling across the country. One exciting product that will be made available to the American public in the near future is a service called "gaming software service in Mexico". In order to understand how this service will benefit Mexico's already booming casino industry, it is important to understand what is involved when you have a large casino such as a Mexico's flagship property, the Mexico Resort Casino. When you think about the many benefits that come with having a casino on the Mexico Resort, one of the first things that come to mind is the benefit of being able to enjoy live sports events right in front of your very eyes in the comforts of your very own casino room.
Now, one of the benefits of the long partnership with Chief Operating Officer (COO) Amy Heckmann and her staff is the opportunity to have access to all sorts of sports coverage. For example, COO Heckmann is extremely pleased with the acquisition of the WEC Americas Broadband Internet initiative. This initiative allows Mexico's leading gambling establishments to stream live high-definition sport events directly into their highly sophisticated, state-of-the-art casino machines. With the new technology that is now available, these types of events are becoming so realistic that the game experience actually begins and ends in your very own casino! As a result, the high-quality of the programming available through WEC is now being used in over 100 countries around the world!
In keeping with the forward-looking statements highlighted above, Amy is extremely pleased with the growth of Mexico Resort gambling. Specifically, she is extremely pleased with the growth in high-roll game play. Furthermore, she is extremely pleased with the continued growth of full-service card shops and retail gaming outlets. In fact, COO Heckmann notes that the number of full service establishments continues to rise. In fact, COO Heckmann states that Mexico is quickly becoming one of the world leaders in offshore gambling. In terms of our overall outlook, COO Heckman is very pleased with the progress that has been made by the operations group she has put together.
In considering the future of the international gaming software market, COO Heckman sees tremendous opportunity in the emerging sectors of prepaid gaming devices, and mobile gaming. Further, she sees tremendous opportunity in the emerging sectors of e-payment and electronic cash. As a result, COO Heckmann anticipates that the total gross revenues generated by the global gaming software market will reach $40 billion by 20 2021 due to the continued penetration of PCs and handheld devices in developing countries. Additionally, COO Heckmann anticipates that the gross revenues generated by the global gambling software market will continue to increase at a higher rate until at least 2021 due to continued usage of mobile devices in developing countries. Additionally, COO Heckmann anticipates that there will continue to be a continuing increase in the number of locations for online gaming device stores. She further notes that there will continue to be an increase in the number of people playing online games until at least the year 2021.
On the other hand, COO Heckmann does not expect the current trend in the gaming software sector to slow down or reverse. Specifically, COO Heckmann notes that there are still a number of companies in the market that are developing and/or manufacturing simulation and/or virtual-reality gaming software products. Consequently, these companies will continue to invest in research and development in order to provide users with the most comprehensive and realistic gaming experience possible. In addition to this, the development of new gaming software products will continue to accelerate as we move toward the next generation of consoles and personal computers. Indeed, as COO Knows notes, "gestation for new gaming software products is still ongoing."
For the last several years, I have also provided commentary on trends in the global gaming software market. In doing so, I have observed that, as the global gaming software market continues to mature, there will be more substantial changes to the way companies develop and market their products. To date, however, there have been no such developments. Additionally, I also note that, at this point, it appears that there will be no major shift in the relationship between consumers and developers in the future. Given this, I believe the projections provided by Heckman - in which we are projecting that the global gaming software market will expand into twenty-five to thirty-five years - are very conservative. Check out this site to get more information!
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